Lake Michigan at Sunrise

Lake Michigan at Sunrise

Monday, August 11, 2014

Facing the running hubris that was me

I've been running for a few weeks now without having to walk (even though my lack of endurance kind of misses it) and every step I take reminds me how difficult the journey is to be a better runner. How easily you could settle where you are, rather than pushing yourself to where you want to be.


How much wretch and desperation is involved in the process of getting faster and running distance more easily.
I completed my first double digit mile run, 10 miles, on Sunday and it was a world of nope. 
I did a lot of things wrong, from timing my pre run snack to running in the middle of the summer heat. My pace crashed hard, I was just happy to make it home and put ice all over my neck and head.

The thing that keeps me going through all these runs is not the saddening amount of weight I gained while not running, or my actually run times that I refuse to log right now. What inspires me is what I was capable of doing just a few months ago. Just a few months ago I was making great strides in all my run types, I believed I could be better, I wanted to be better. 

Now I look back to my previous excitement and clamoring about my run times and simply think...the hubris I committed. My motivation is also my frustration. I hope that I can carry lessons learned from this lengthy rehab period to push me even harder when my body is ready to start pushing my running limits again.

I'm still hoping by October I'll have my legs back. I'm waiting for that one run where I will find my inner running demon and join my running justice league friends again.

Okay, what else is going on Declan? Well I'm still in Physical Therapy, they added treating Thoracic Outlet Syndrome to my treatment (pain down my arms and thumb, pinched nerves mostly!). 

I got a few sunrise runs in!

I got a new pair of running shoes! Saucony Kinvara 5.

The children are good!

And I found the perfect post run drink:

Sorry for the long time between posts! Time is short! I've been fiddling with the idea of just doing a podcast or Vlog.

So what's up with anyone left reading my blog? One of these days I'll get back to my blog feed!


  1. I can't believe you're drinking artificial bacon soda. I figured you for the all natural bacon soda type.

  2. DO NOT DO A VLOG! I hate vlogs. I want to read, that's why I read blogs.

  3. So many things to say: 1) baby B's head is looking bigger than I said was allowable, but I'm still going to get my super surprise to him soon, promise! 2) I just LOL'd really loud at the sloth gif, then scrolled down to read, scrolled back up and, had the same reaction, the accountant down the hall just asked if I was ok (weird response, right?)...3) We are so matched to run together right now, but lets stick to under 60 mins, k? 4) that is, in fact, a sloth, right?

  4. er...does vlog mean "video log" I'm so unhip...but would be onboard if said vlog were a group effort of short comedy bang bang -esque posts...featuring chi-area runners...Like Pete's photos! (you know what I mean)

  5. I would totally listen to a Declan podcast! I barely have time to keep up with blogs as it is, and I'm pretty sure it'd be hilarious.

    Keep believing you can be better. I've recently remembered that with regards to non-running stuff, hoping for that feels pretty great after not having done it for a long time. Forgetting that sucks.

  6. Reading blogs is better! Esp when they have funny gif's like yours! Your baby looks a little drunk in the second photo... remember milk is better than bacon soda these days! But he's a cutie regardless (and big lil' smoke too!)

  7. Natural Bacon soda is like a fine scotch! only drink a little bit or you'll have a heart attack

  8. Hah! I just want to get content out on a more regular basis!

  9. Yes! its a video.. blog or sort. All that youtube jazz. I believe Phampants does it.
    We should do some comedy stuff! Lots of falling to come once the new track opens

  10. 1. He is waiting for it! cries non stop about it!!

    2. Sloths are awesome! Enjoy:

    3.Def meet up to run! After 60 minutes right now is ugly, but necessary! (TWSS)

  11. I'll keep the blog and gifs!
    The photo was a total random shot! pretty funny.

  12. Meh. Blogging is overrated. Just focus on Reddit.

  13. True. You are wise in bacon soda ways.

  14. Hooray for baby photos! Your kids are seriously adorable. Getting back into shape after an injury is so tough because I feel like you're constantly comparing yourself to where you were before the injury and it's really hard to get over the comparison and to be patient to get back. It's still something I'm struggling with. I hope you get back to where you were soon!

  15. No vlog. I like to read too. How was the bacon soda?

