Lake Michigan at Sunrise

Lake Michigan at Sunrise

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rest Day Ramblings

There is no common thread in what I'm posting today, so just enjoy the randomness.

I completed the normal 6 days in a row of running post doctor approval to run and haven't killed my hamstring.  Although last night I spent a lot of time lifting and bending to get stuff from our current unit to a storage unit.  This caused a light flare up in my hammie, but nothing bad. Good thing today is a rest day.

Nike has a new ad out.. I didn't want to like it, but it is decent! Check it:

 Tonight I'll be going a Charity Fun Run and Sausage Fest, hosted by Anne.

We (my wife) found a great dessert to make for the event, Chocolate Lasagna:

If it doesn't make it there, it just means I ate it all.

For all my weekend warriors, I imagine your work days must look like this:

Happy Birthday to the Mag Mile Runner and Wurst Running Club Ever founding Member!

Vivid close-up view of material streaming away from a newborn star :
Sorry if you thought it would be a picture from the company Vivid.. perverts

You still frowning? This is the last thing I got for you:


  1. Hahaha, I knew you'd find an appropriate gif for this. And chocolate lasagna? Um, we'll have to eat that while everyone else is out running :)

  2. That chocolate lasagna looks yummy! I would eat it all too.

  3. Whatever you do, don't whiz on the electric fence #renandstimpywordsofwisdom

  4. Yay!!! Love the Ren and Stimpy flashback. See you tonight at Anne's! I hope the rain holds off or clears out by tonight!!!

  5. Pete B lakefronttrail.blogspotAugust 22, 2013 at 10:33 AM

    Happy Happy Rest Day!

  6. I'd like to press the "dislike" button for the new Nike ad...not a fan

  7. i might "sneeze" on it, and claim it as mine

  8. they need to bring back powdered toast man

  9. rain rain go away, sausage fast is on its way!

  10. yay! i'm glad the swoosh didn't sway you. I hated the lebron part though..

  11. OMG, I can't believe my dogs ate it while everyone was running! Shoot.

  12. That Chocolate Lasagna looks awesome

