Lake Michigan at Sunrise

Lake Michigan at Sunrise

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A run so fresh you can taste it

Looks like May finally recovered from the roofies April gave it and decided to act like June, why not?

Today was 9 miles (6 fast, 3 warm up/cool down).Screencap of my run:

Tuesdays will eventually turn into interval day come June, but for now, I just try to run it about 10-15 seconds faster than pace once I warm up. I'm starting to feel a little pressure as my 18 week training plan starts next month and am trying to push a little more every week. Here is the motivation I had in my head this morning:

 Temp low 50s and stiff wind out of the south/southeast. I usually complain about the wind, but not today for two reasons (not like trey songz):

- The wind means its gonna heat up today like a pizza roll.
- The wind was for the first half of my run, so I would have some strength.

Windy Today? I ain't even mad

Felt nice to put on the shorts again, sad my work dress code doesn't allow it.

The trees and plants by the lakefront seem to have bloomed hardcore. Smelling them is one thing, but I could taste it today (I breath almost entirely through my mouth running). I was a little worried my allergies would flare up, but so far so good.

The population on the lakefront grew like a weed compared to yesterday. Some friendly, some awkward, some confused. I know I said this before and will again...keep your head and eyes up while  running.

Look where you want to go, not where you might fall. (Inspirational right?)

Did you enjoy a run in nicer weather today? What basic tips do you want to shout at people running?

Have a great day!


  1. I have no advice for runners I see while running aside from "carry me!"

  2. All in good time! Just remember, I only have been taking running seriously since ~December 2011, so I don't have any type of big training lead. You'll get there a lot faster than you think!

  3. Heather @ Run Eat PlayMay 14, 2013 at 2:39 PM

    Great run - you're speedy!
    One thing that drives me a little crazy at the gym is when people run fast while holding onto the treadmill!

  4. Oh my goodness yes! SO bad. i want to be like, that is not helping you at all! or if they look at a magazine the whole time, throwing off their center of gravity and posture! just slow it down if you need to hold on!

  5. Today was gorgeous for running! You're right, though, the weather can't really decide what it wants to do. But, if the mornings stay like this morning (maybe with a little less wind), I'll take it. Hope you had a great day!

  6. Nice run this morning-- it was amazing out! You were quite speedy!

  7. This better be a new trend! No more 40s. My legs are enjoying getting limber quicker!

  8. Yeah! Everyone was out on the Lakefront today, I can't blame them!
    And thanks! I was throwing in a fartlek every mile or so to help keep me from getting in a rut in the run.

  9. I love fartleks!

  10. Heh on our especially bad runs I ask if i can kick a baby out and get in.

  11. You're so fast! My "run" pace during my interval run yesterday was 6:44 and my lungs were angry with me. When I do longer runs (and by longer I mean 5k straight) I'm trying to get under 11 mins :(

  12. Heh on our especially bad runs I ask if i can kick a baby out and get in.

  13. !! I had a real LOL there. Maybe you can get a jogging stroller for adults for your wife to push you in?

